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Fragmenta is a vast creative project to promote historical and architectural heritage through the organization of lively and fiery scenographies. These spaces will be invested, decorated and enhanced to better discover or rediscover them.

This is a new and complete experience suitable for all types of audiences.

Fragmenta is a close collaboration between the managers of historic sites and our company Pyronix. Castles, abbeys or industrial remains: the objective is to attract visitors from all walks of life to places where they would not necessarily have visited.

Discovering fragments of history, architecture and life, we invite spectators on a journey from the roots of our history. For the space of an evening, we want to promote these unique places, transformed for a few hours into exceptional places. We invest the space made available to us, on land, on water or in the air, each of our performances offering a unique experience to the spectators by highlighting the scene in the broad sense.

Our team places innovation at the heart of the project and offers our partners an experience that combines the best in entertainment and pyrotechnics. In perfect harmony with the sites entrusted to us, we will bring the decor to life before, during and after the show through scenographies and fiery decors.

Vous gérez un site et souhaitez le décorer ou organiser un événement avec nous ? Téléchargez notre brochure pour plus d'informations et contactez-nous !


Pyronix Production

 + 00 32 (0)470 90 22 74




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